Mission Statement

At AWPE we consider our business 100% focused on Quality and meeting customer expectations

Our commitment to quality underpins everything we do. We acknowledge Quality & environmental respect are essential to our core values.
Our quality ethos is to get it right first time, every time and strive to exceed customer expectations when ever possible we will aim to understand fully our clients needs and ensure they are met without compromise.

Lead time
We recognise the importance of timely service to our customers, who are often working to tight deadlines, and therefore we are totally committed to on time delivery.
Whenever possible we use the services of our own delivery drivers thus ensuring goods are packed adequately and certified as correct to specification, and that you receive your goods when and where you want them.




At AWPE we make it our business to lead from the front, an unwavering dedication drives us to provide the best service in the manufacture and production of machined and assembled items.
Our team are problem solvers and solution providers who are wholly committed to pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved. We have overseas customers who place orders and we export using our EROI number which allows components to be shipped without being held for inspection/clearance.

AWPE are a partner you can trust
Our company will always act with honesty, integrity and transparency no matter what the situation.
We are driven by relentless commitment to excellence in the reliable products we deliver and the dedicated customer service that supports them. Our drive has its origin in our  experience, expertise and history of success.
At AWPE we stand behind every product we produce and everything we do.